Monday, December 20, 2004


Truth Posted by Hello

I love the symbolism in this picture. The nine-pointed star with the symbols of the 9 different world religions encloses a spring - perpetually replenishing itself with the Waters of Life. When we partake of those waters (i.e. when we read and act on the Word of God)we sustain ourselves spiritually. Our hearts are uplifted - like the birds that soar upwards from the pool of clear guidance.

And if we but knew it, what that picture also says - that all religions spring from one source - is something we must all acknowledge for us to be able to go beyond our superficial differences, see the underlying unity and work to build civilization instead of tear it down. That truth really is within us all - we just need to recognize it.

It reminds me of this quotation by Robert Browning, which I copied into a notebook when I was a student (many aeons ago):

“Truth is within ourselves,
it takes no rise from outward things,
Whatever you may believe.

There is an innermost centre within us all,
where truth abides in fullness,
And, to know, rather consists in opening out a way.

Whence the imprisoned splendour may escape,
than in affecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without."


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