Sunday, May 23, 2004

An offer too good to refuse

The Rasmus Posted by Hello

Ok this is my first successful photo insertion! So here's a picture of The Rasmus cd I can't get enough of. Now I know what to do so I can make this blog a bit more lively.

Took advantage today of a 20% off storewide sale in Kinokuniya. I really shouldn't buy any more books, but I wanted a replacement copy of "Siddharta" by Hermann Hesse (my original copy has been lent to someone whose identity has long since been forgotten). It is a hardback and I couldn't believe the price at only $15 something. Then I promised my daughter a new book, so I bought her "Frenchman's Creek" by Daphne Du Maurier - I enjoyed when I was her age and she likes historical novels so this should be right up her alley. When I was in the queue I saw a copy of Dan Brown's famous indictment of the Church in "The Da Vinci Code". Of course a lot of it has been dismissed as incorrect, sensational and fabricated nonsense, but it's still on the bestselling list 6 months after publication. I'll read it first and then read all the detractors' commentaries on the net! One of them is at the Opus Dei website.

Not bad - only 3 books. Some people had shopping baskets full! I should start reading the stuff already on my shelves - by now it should take half a lifetime anyway. Some people collect bric-a-brac, I collect books.


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